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Our Mission & Vision
Our passion is solving problems. Our product line has grown with new, innovative ways to solve nail care & nail health challenges. We love doing it! We outgrew our little kitchen & moved to a small warehouse near our home in Olympia, WA, USA.
Now our small team is part of every product we make and ship. Providing Life-Changing Products with an Exceptional Customer Experience–that’s our mission. We stand by it 100%. We promise results that delight, or we’ll make it right.
Hi! We are Ana & Cory Seidel, owners of Bliss Kiss & creators of Nail Care HQ. We are a family-owned business that has been solving nail care and manicure problems since 2012. It all started in our kitchen in Olympia, WA, USA when Ana set to figure out how to get her nail polish to stop chipping and Simply Pure was born!
- Ana Seidel
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NAIL ANATOMY – Different Parts of Fingernail
Nail Anatomy Authors: Doug Schoon and Ana Seidel Nail Anatomy - The Different Parts of the Fingernail Do you know where your cuticle is? Or your hyponychium? Most people don't. Not only is the general public confused about the names for the parts of the natural nail,...
Quick Tips: What are black spots on nails?
Black Spots on Nails?Have you ever had black spots or streaks show up in your nails? If so, it was probably hard to not freak out...What Causes Black Spots on Nails?Black Spots In Nails ASK ANA: Black Spots In Nails Hi, Ana! So you’ve talked about white spots on...
Quick Tips: Are Clear Nails Bad?
Are Clear Nails Bad?Sometimes we get worried when our nails look different. Ana explains why clear nails from water is damaging while clear nails from oil absorption is strengthening.Are Clear Nail Tips Bad? It depends... If your tips are clear because your hands are...
Quick Tips: Why are my nails suddenly breaking, brittle, peeling?
Why are my nails suddenly breaking, brittle, peeling?There are 4 general areas that contribute to what feels like sudden changes in yoru nails... and it most likely started 4 months ago. Here are some things to pay attention to that may help you figure out what’s...
Should You Remove Cuticles?
Did you know you physically can’t cut your cuticles? Do you know if you even have any cuticle tissue? If you don’t wear nail enhancements, you NEVER need to remove the cuticle. Click to read more. . .
3 Reasons Why Short Nails Peel More
Ana covers the top 3 reasons why short nails peel faster than longer nails. Understanding these 3 principles and how to minimize the dangers will help you grow long, strong beautiful nails.